I'm too lazy to write in paragraph form so here's a list of how my day went.
- Noah has a cold; he's teething a molar; and he's not sleeping well.
- The fact that I am writing this is a testament to my survival skills when living with the Beast.
- One of the Beast's toys was not so lucky and will probably not make it out of the toy hospital.
- I was itching to workout since I hadn't been to the gym in a few days so I decided to go for a run on the treadmill.
- Dakota came to the basement with me to keep me company.
- I love my dog.
- My basement is creepy, especially when I'm home alone.
- Dakota was looking out for me; and I think he's also kinda scared of the treadmill. I don't know if he thought I was trapped, but he kept coming as close to me as he could, as if he was trying to figure out a way to get me off of it.
- I ran a mile and a half then started feeling chest pain and couldn't breathe. I wanted to keep running, but I thought passing out in the basement from an asthma attack while home alone was probably not the best idea.
- I need to teach Dakota how to dial 911...or give CPR.
- Currently I'm wearing a hoodie, my fluffy pink robe and some sweat pants.
- I'm still freezing.
- I'm not sure I'm going to survive winter.
- The fact that The Farmer's Almanac is throwing around words like frigid and numbing cold doesn't give me much hope.
- I'm almost done Christmas shopping.
- I've very excited about the babies Christmas gifts.
- I'm not excited about wrapping presents.
- I get stressed and frustrated and my presents end up getting shafted
- But it's what inside that counts right? When you see a balled up mess of wrapping paper and tape, you might think you're getting the worst present ever. But maybe you're getting that espresso machine you've been longing for or a giant Nerf football.
- I'm going to curl up on the couch with a cup of hot tea and my blanket.
Have a great weekend and stay warm people. Oh, and please keep your furry pets inside where it's nice and toasty.
Noah recovering from a meltdown this morning.
Sad Beast
Picture is blurry. I was trying to snap a picture quick before he moved. I love it when he sleeps with his paw over his face. It's so stinkin' cute.
He wasn't impressed that I woke him up. Sorry, Dakota. Go back to sleep.
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