"Raising a kid is part joy and part guerrilla warfare."
~Ed Asner

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Oh, and in case you were wondering what in the heck is a WILDEBEEST, well here you go.  I even included a picture...or two.  Hmm, it's strange how I keep finding different animals, mammals, you get the idea, with some variation of the word wild-beest-beast, etc.  And Noah has similarities/characteristics with all of them.  As long as Noah's head doesn't get as big as a watermelon and he doesn't grow to 600 lbs., there's no need to fear for the safety of my family.  Okay, it's getting late and I can't tell my mammal from my animal so I'm going to bed.  I'll leave you with this.

The gnu (pronounced "g-new" or simply "new") is a member of the antelope family, although its heavy build and disproportionately large forequarters make it look more bovine. Gnus can reach 8 feet (2.4 meters) in length, stand 4.5 feet (1.4 meters) tall at the shoulders and weigh up to 600 pounds (272 kilograms). Both males and females grow horns.

The ungainly gnu earned the Afrikaans name wildebeest, or "wild beast," for the menacing appearance presented by its large head, shaggy mane, pointed beard, and sharp, curved horns. In fact, the wildebeest is better described as a reliable source of food for the truly menacing predators of the African savanna: lions, cheetahs, wild dogs, and hyenas.  However, Wildbeest are very strong and can inflict considerable injury to even a lion.  Wildebeest is Dutch for wild beast.

Wildebeest are noisy.  They constantly emit low moans and if disturbed, snort explosively.  Blue-wildebeest are continually on the move as they seek favorable supplies of grass and water.  Active both day and night, they often string out in long single columns when on the move.  They also cover long distances at a slow rocking gallop but can run fast when necessary.  

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